

Arhiv: EU Business Talks: Podjetja iz držav članic se predstavijo

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije je v času predsedovanja Slovenije Svetu Evropske unije organizirala cikel tedenskih poslovnih klepetov z gospodarstveniki iz držav članic Evropske unije.

Online seminar "Business opportunities of Georgia"

If you are interested in doing business with Georgia, or to get more information about Georgia’s economy, you are invited to an online seminar “Business opportunities of Georgia”, which we organize in cooperation the Embassy of Georgia in Slovenia on Wednesday 27th at 10:00.

Trading with UK after BREXIT

We hereby offer information on EU - U, relations, border formalities, guidances on moving goods, etc.

Despite the end to the epidemic, the virus remains among us requiring consideration of all measures to be taken into account.

Regardless of the encouraging decline of the virus, there is still the risk of it spreading. Therefore, social distance and hand and cough hygiene must still be practiced at all times, and any sick individuals must be isolated. Hand sanitation and face masks or scarves are still obligatory in indoor public spaces, as well as on public transport.

From a bold vision of a new, innovative product to NASA customized projects

Instrumentation Technologies is a highly experienced high-tech company that has been providing cutting-edge solutions for clients worldwide for more than 20 years in the fields of particle accelerators, automotive, aerospace, MedTech, smart cities and general IoT. The company is known for its innovative solutions, including Red Pitaya.

UK Global Tariffs Regime

The UK has released the details of its Global Tariff Regime, which will be its policy from 1 January 2021. The tariffs on key inputs to the production of goods will be removed.